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Monday, May 20, 2013

22 To Do By 23

These goals go along a general theme: they're for fun. This next year is my year to just live my life essentially; to gather experiences and grow. I want to make the most of this year that I can. I don't want to waste time, I want to use my time well to be who I know I am. I don't want to be idle a lot because that is often when things can go down hill for me. I don't want to go down that hill anymore. I want to do the things I like to do; the things I never felt I had the time for. I have the time now and need to remember to use time well. 

1// Collect silly pens. For Easter my mom got me this quirky duck pen (pictured above) that quacks when you push down the head. For some reason I love that silly pen and it has inspired me to get some more fun and silly pens.

2// Apply & be accepted to graduate school. I decided to take a year break in between college and graduate school. I will use that break to re-energize and not get burnt out after or during grad school. I also  want to build up my resume to help my applications. The application process will begin this fall!

3// Go to Of Monsters & Men concert. Of Monsters & Men is my favorite band and it is the ONLY band that I say "I knew them before they were cool". This one is already in the works of happening. My Casey dear got me tickets for when they come to town in June!

4// Successfully make truffles. I frequently see truffle recipes on the internet and think oh yummy! I still haven't gotten around to actually making some though. That needs to change.

5// Complete a quilt. I took a quilting class a while back and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I haven't quilted since though, unfortunately. I really wish to change that. I love quilts, there's just a since of care I feel whenever I use a quilt. I always feel a smile spreading across my face when I see and use a quilt.

6// Read 12 books. Reading is something that definitely got left behind while I was in school. I never felt I had the time to read. But that just won't be acceptable any longer.

7// Get a job. This goal is important to other goals! I've semi started the job hunt. There's this one job that I'm most interested in; good pay and flexible hours which is very appealing. Hopefully I can continue to be a research assistant. But we shall see what comes together in the next few months.

8// Complete 6 video games. Oh video games, a hobby that I avoid too much. This has been a time issue and a computer issue. During school I never feel like I had time to game and my computer likes to make gaming more challenging than it needs to be. But there are many games on my list that I will not let sit around anymore.

9// Go on a brewery tour. Beer is good. Seeing how beer is made then tasting it is also good. Therefor I must do this.

10// Visit Artisan Confections. I've had their chocolate but I've never actually gone to their store. I want to  go to one of the stores are stare in awe at the shelves of chocolate.

11// Start saving money. I have a lot of expenses that will be coming up in my future. My computer is on my last legs so I'll be needing a new one of those. Not to mention I'll be moving out on my own and starting from scratch basically. So that obviously requires money. Not to mention the student loans that are headed my way. I'm about to start my life so I should be starting it out on as best of a foot that I can.

12// Go see a movie at a drive-in. Going to a drive-in seems like a really exciting, fun, and unique experience. Luckily we have one relatively near by so I'd really enjoy going, curling up with blankets in Casey's truck with yummy food and the warm night sky.

13// Stay at a DoubleTree by Hilton. This is almost purely because I want one of those cookies. And just the general experience. It is as simple as that.

14// Tour Ben & Jerry's in Vermont. I love Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. I'd really like to have the experience of being all touristy by visiting them in Vermont.

15// Go to Disney Land. I have been to Disney World but not Disney Land. A couple Casey and I know are moving out to California and invited us to stay with them some time. So hopefully we can actually do that and then go to Disney Land!

16// Complete a large knitting project. Since I have more free time now I really want to focus and develop my hobbies. Knitting is one of those hobbies and I usually lake the commitment to finish a large project. But no longer!

17// Hike Billy Goat Trail. I try to include a goal involving nature. When I was younger I did this trail with my Dad so it's not entirely new to me. The C&O Canal is pretty neat and again it's been a while since I've gone so I'd like to go again soon.

18// Sew myself a dress. This is a goal that got left behind last year. I already have patterns and fabric, I just need to get to actual sewing!

19// Successfully hand-make ravioli. I really want to try making pasta and ravioli seemed like a good place to start (especially because I don't think I'll need anything too special to make it).

20// Go on a day trip with Casey. Nothing is better than spending time with my honey. I'd really love to spend a day riding in the truck somewhere new and just have an adventure together.

21// Go to a midnight showing of a movie. I've only done this once before and I'd like to do it again (hopefully with less teeny boppers this time). I think The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug may be a good movie to do this with.

22// Make a new friend. This may seem kind of sad, but it's not entirely. I've always struggled with making friends. I always feel like people like me enough, but they don't necessarily want to be my friend. I've made a lot of strides with my social anxiety and I hope my experiences in the future will help me build new and lasting friendships.

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